new york
New York

New York: Day in the Life

New York, Wednesday, February 21st. 5:30am: Alarm goes off. 5:40am: I get out of bed. It’s okay, been awake since 4:30 anyway. Until 6:10am (no particular order): Pack my bag – asics, sports bra and shorts, water bottle, two small tubs of overnight oats, stevia soda, chargers, mascara, toothbrush & toothpaste, socks. Get dressed – long […]

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New York

Living in New York: Apartment Hunting Struggles

This year, 2018, I’ll be writing and sharing about living in New York! Everything from finding the dream apartment while juggling work and 3 yoga classes a week, to drinking cold brew in below-freezing temperatures – and of course, the daily immersion in the wonderful world of Whole Foods. It’s already midway through January, 2018. […]

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